Past Workgroup Meetings
September 25, 2024: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on September 25, 2024. Wetlands Watch staff highlighted the upcoming VFMA Annual Conference, provided updates on national, state, and federal policy, and hosted three awardees of previous rounds of the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF). The CFPF is open until November 9th, 2024; see our CFPP resource page for factsheets. There were presentations on CFPF-funded capacity-building, resilience planning, and projects from Fairfax County (Project Website), Appalachian Voices for the Town of Pennington Gap (PDF), and Crater Planning District Commission (PDF). Other ISO/CRS Training Opportunities were also shared. (Download the slides here.)
July 31, 2024: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on July 31, 2024. Wetlands Watch staff highlighted the upcoming VFMA Annual Conference and Call for Nominations, provided updates on national, state, and federal policy, including FEMA’s Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) and 2024 CRS Request for Information (RFI), as well as information about the upcoming round of the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF). There was a presentation on a Resiliency & Living Shoreline Project installed in North Carolina with BRIC funding from Sandy Cross, Town of Duck and Chris DeWitt, VHB. Other ISO/CRS Training Opportunities were also shared.
May 31, 2024: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on May 31, 2024. Wetlands Watch provided updates on national and state policy and legislation, including information about flood risk disclosure HB 863, as well as information about the upcoming round of the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and release of the draft manual (Link here). The results of a survey of workgroup members regarding the subject of development for future online CRS training was also discussed. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission’s Ben McFarlane presented on the results of a survey sent to CRS communities as a part of ongoing efforts at the HRPDC to pilot elements of a regional CRS program (Download the slides here.) Other ISO/CRS Training Opportunities were also discussed.
March 27, 2024: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on March 27th, 2024. Kristin Owen, Henrico County’s Floodplain and Dam Safety Manager and Virginia Floodplain Management Association (VFMA) President, presented on the innovative and equitable Flood Map Update Outreach Campaign Henrico has undertaken, which includes interpretation services and a messaging matrix. Scroll to the end of the linked presentation for example map change notification letters: Presentation. Lucas Manweiler, Conservation Coordinator from DEQ’s Coastal Zone Management Program spoke on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act extensive funding opportunities in his Climate Ready Coasts Presentation. Letter of Interest guidance documents are available upon request! Ben McFarlane, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) Resiliency Officer gave an update on their research with AMT Engineering to explore regional CRS activities: Presentation. Download the PDF of the Wetlands Watch Presentation here.
January 31, 2024: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on January 31st, 2024. Wetlands Watch staff highlighted the upcoming Virginia Floodplain Managers Association (VFMA) Board Election, Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) 2024 National Conference, and Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Training. As well as presented on updates to the status of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) which funds the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF). Flood map updates and flood risk disclosure were also discussed. Wetlands Watch’s new CRS online training, the Coastal Resilience and Trees Fund (CRTF) grant opportunity, and other ISO/CRS Training Opportunities were also discussed. Download the PDF of the Presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
November 29, 2023: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on November 29th, 2023. Wetlands Watch staff congratulated Award Recipients from the 2023 VFMA Conference, and presented on updates to the status of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) which funds the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF). Ken Somerset reported on Poquoson’s recent cycle visit. The upcoming deadline for the first round of Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF) funding, Wetlands Watch’s new CRS online training, and other ISO/CRS Training Opportunities were also discussed. Download the a PDF of the Presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
September 27, 2023: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on September 27th, 2023. Wetlands Watch staff presented on the upcoming Purchase of Development Rights (TDR) Grant Opportunity, the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF) manuals, Wetlands Watch’s new CRS online training, and other ISO/CRS Training Opportunities. Download the a PDF of the Presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
July 26th, 2023: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on July 26th, 2023. Wetlands Watch staff presented on the Resilience Coordination Working Group draft recommendations, the Annual Flood Preparedness Coordination Meeting, the newly released draft Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF) manuals, Wetlands Watch’s new CRS online training, and the new Elevation Certificate. Download the Powerpoint Presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
May 31st, 2023: The VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on May 31st, 2023. Tom Brockenbrough, Floodplain Administrator and GIS Coordinator for Accomack County, presented on the County’s most recent cycle visit with ISO. Previously a Class 6, Accomack County moved up to a Class 5 with a total of 2,565 points during their 2021 cycle visit. In the presentation, Tom details what new activities the County credited in to earn the Class 5 designation, including the new requirement to implement V zone standards in Coastal A zones. Wetlands Watch staff also provided an update on HUD’s new proposed rule to implement the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) mandated by E.O. 14030, which will require partially or fully funded HUD projects to incorporate higher flood risk standards. Wetlands Watch staff created a fact sheet on the new proposed rule and can be downloaded here. Download the Powerpoint Presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
April 5th, 2023: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on April 5th, 2023. CJ Bodnar, the Technical Services Program Manager for the City of Virginia Beach’s Public Works Department, presented on the City’s Back Bay Marsh Restoration project. The project will result in 51 acres of marsh terraces that will support the restoration of the marsh habitat and reduce marsh erosion. The restoration of the marsh will reduce flooding impacts for the City, as the low lying land north of Back Bay currently experiences flooding due to strong southern winds that flow through the area. Workgroup members also discussed and reviewed documents on how localities track development in the floodplain. Wetlands Watch staff also provided updates on NFIP training opportunities provided by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the 2023 ASFPM conference, and updated data on the CRS program via CRS Viz. Download the Powerpoint Presentation and watch a recording of the meeting to the right. Documents reviewed during the floodplain development discussion can be viewed here:
Checklist for Reviewing Development in the Floodplain - Provided by the City of Franklin, Virginia
City Review of Development in Flood Zones (zip file) - Provided by the City of Hampton, Virginia
Example Documents for Meeting Review, Assess, and Document Process - Provided by Henrico County, Virginia
January 25th, 2023: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on January 25th, 2023. Kristin Owen, Henrico County’s Floodplain & Dam Safety Manager, presented on the County’s new Voluntary Acquisition Pilot Program. The goal of the program is to work with community members to relocate residents out of a high flood risk neighborhood in the County and restore the area to its natural state. The program is still in its very early stages, but the County hopes to leverage multiple funding sources to expand the program County-wide. The City of Chesapeake also shared their modified HRPDC Get Flood Fluent rack card with the group, which includes Chesapeake specific flood information. This modified outreach material (Activity 330) can be downloaded here. Wetlands Watch staff also provided updates on ASFPM’s new membership portal, the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s draft Community Outreach and Engagement Plan, and the fourth round of VA’s Community Flood Preparedness Fund. Download the PowerPoint Presentation, Henrico County’s Powerpoint Presentation, and watch a recording of the meeting to the right.
November 30th, 2022: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person at the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission. Greta Hawkins, who is the CRS Coordinator for the City of Hampton, presented on the City's most recent CRS cycle visit which included areas where the City earned new credits as well as lessons learned. Wetlands Watch staff also provided updates on FEMA's Request for Information on Public Assistance Hazard Mitigation funding, the new Benefit-Cost Analysis alternative calculation for BRIC and FMA FY22 grants, the new Biden-Harris Administration Nature-Based Solutions Roadmap initiative, and Virginia's Community Flood Preparedness Fund. The Workgroup also discussed an in-person offering of FEMA's L273 course that will be held in Newport News in January 2023. Download the PowerPoint presentation and watch a recording of the meeting to the right.
September 28, 2022: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person at the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission on September 28, 2022. Presentations included: updates from Wetlands Watch staff recent attendance at FEMA’s E-278 course, introduction to two different fact sheets that are the result of a recent VA Coastal Zone Management grant, a GIS workflow for Stafford County’s open space points, upcoming flood risk reduction funding opportunities, an update on the VA Community Flood Preparedness Fund, Governor Youngkin’s plan to remove Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and job opportunities. Wetlands Watch’s Catch the King citizen science mapping event will be held on Saturday, October 29th - sign up to participate here! We also discussed the state of Virginia’s release of Draft Guidance for the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act’s inclusion of climate change in local governments’ shoreline permitting programs. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
July 27, 2022: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on July 27, 2022. Emily Schmidt, the ISO representative assigned for Virginia provided an update on the annual recertification process. Wetlands Watch reviewed the survey results for which CRS activities the workgroup members think should be the focus of future pre-recoded training videos. Please fill out the survey if you haven’t already. Ben McFarlane from the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission updated the group on how CRS communities will receive CRS credits for the Hampton Roads’s regional hazard mitigation plan. Finally, we discussed the public information FEMA is sharing about the upcoming (years away) sweeping update to the CRS Program called CRS Next. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
May 25, 2022: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on May 25, 2022. The meeting included many different topics and featured an extensive update on Virginia’s FEMA grant programs by Debbie Messmer from VDEM. We also discussed locality members’ interest in developing regional Programs for Public Information (PPI) after the presentation from Pinellas County, FL at the March meeting. Mary-Carson attended the Association of State floodplain Managers (ASFPM) annual conference in Orlando and presented on the latest updates from FEMA on the NFIP’s Risk Rating 2.0. Wetlands Watch will begin providing pre-recoded training videos on specific CRS activities. Please fill out this google form to select those CRS activities about which you’d like detailed training. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
March 30, 2022: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on March 30, 2022. The meeting included many different topics and featured a presentation about a successful regional Program for Public Information (PPI) from Florida floodplain managers. Lisa Foster and Maxine Moore from Pinellas County, Florida shared about the interest in creating the PPI, process to organize multiple jurisdictions, and growing interest in participation. Wetlands Watch’s Madison Teeter provided an update on Virginia’s Community Flood Preparedness Fund, including information on grant rounds and pending legislation in the 2022 General Assembly. Madison also shared Wetlands Watch’s newly created videos on the National Flood Insurance Program’s Risk Rating 2.0. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting .
January 26, 2022: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online, due to a COVID exposure, on January 26, 2022. The meeting included many different topics. In an effort to update the VA CRS Score Document, please submit your community’s most recent ISO letter indicating your CRS score to The FEMA Request for Information comment period closed on 1/27/22 - a review of the RFI topics was included - read Wetlands Watch’s comment letter here. Madison Teeter provided an update on the VA Community Flood Preparedness Fund, noting grant round schedules and awards, and a list of applicant resources included in the PowerPoint slides. A review of legislation in the VA General Assembly related to flood resilience was presented. Logan Grant, a UVA Engineering masters student is developing a GIS resource to help local governments submit documentation for credits under Activity 420, Open Space Preservation. Logan is looking for willing communities that have submitted GIS layers for 420 credit to share the GIS data with him to help calibrate and ground-truth his work. If you are interested please email Mary-Carson or Logan at Mary-Carson reviewed the VA Coastal Zone Management Program’s grant from the past year, which supports Wetlands Watch’s management of the CRS Workgroup. This included CRS trainings/evaluations, resilience building support, and a report on the growth of the Workgroup. A review of the current CZM grant was also provided. Ben McFarlane from the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission indicated that the PDC released design guidelines/standards that may interest communities working on CRS credits for stormwater management planning. Click to view: Resilient Stormwater Design Standards and Resilient Design Guidelines. Finally, the meeting closed with a discussion on the Workgroup’s focus in 2022 and locality report outs. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting.
November 17, 2021: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on July 28, 2021. The meeting included a presentation from the Bobby Gelormine, CRS Coordinator for the City of Chesapeake on their cycle visit that resulted in a Class 7 rating. The City improved from a Class 8 to a Class 7. This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. We also discussed FEMA’s Request for Information on updating the National Flood Insurance Program’s minimum floodplain management / land use regulations and standards. The comment period closes on December 13th. We also gave an update on the NFIP’s Risk Rating 2.0. Ben McFarlane from the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission reported on the release of the revised version of the draft HRPDC Resilient Stormwater Design Standards. Reminder: the VA Floodplain Management Association’s upcoming annual (virtual!) meeting on December 2 & 3: register here — 12 CECs anticipated. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
September 29, 2021: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online on September 29, 2021. The meeting included a presentation from the City of Newport News on the process the join the CRS Program and the City’s robust acquisition and open space program. The City of Newport News invests a significant amount of city budget in their program and is currently working on their 80th buyout. We also received an update on the VA Community Flood Preparedness Fund from VA Department of Conservation & Recreation staff - awards will be announced September 30th. Save the date: December 2-3, 2021 VA Floodplain Management Association will hold its annual conference virtually. We also discussed how FloodMapp’s real-time flood forecasting models could be integrated into community’s emergency management and CRS Program. Read this memo from Mark Slauter (retired VDEM & consultant to FloodMapp) on possible CRS credit earning opportunities through use of FloodMapp’s NowCast model. Our meeting concluded with a brief discussion of how Risk Rating 2.0 will impact flood insurance premiums in our state and how the CRS Program’s upcoming update, “CRS Next,” will change current CRS Program operation. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
September 15, 2021: Quick CRS Workgroup Meeting to discuss (1) Risk Rating 2.0 and its impact on the CRS Program and (2) FEMA's request for information on how the CRS Program could be improved under "CRS Next."
July 2021: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online and in person on July 28, 2021. The meeting included an update on a regional flood risk outreach project created by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission that is under review by ISO. If you would like to submit community specific edits so you can use the outreach project outside of its already scheduled distribution in the HRSD bill, please email Ben McFarlane at Karen Durhing, Marine Scientist, from the VA Institute of Marine Science at the College of William & Mary, presented on a new online tool available on the AdaptVA interactive map that will help localities protect existing beneficial NNBFs, manage floodplain development requests, identify wetlands, see the extent of 100-ft RPA buffers, and support the creation of NNBFs with multiple benefits. We also discussed the new VA Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and how localities are meeting the local resilience plan requirement to access project funding. We created a new website page where we will post resources, such as approved local resilience plans, that will help CFPF applicants apply for this important flood resilience resource. Save the Date: the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission is hosting an in person CFM Exam on September 14, 4pm-7pm, at 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake VA 23320. More info to follow. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
May 2021: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 distancing measures in Virginia. We discussed upcoming DCR/FEMA facilitated trainings and creating local (in coordination with VFMA) CFM trainings and testing. An overview of the BRIC program and the 2020 application submission statistics at both the national and state/Virginia scale. Debbie Messmer from VDEM weighed in on the VA application process and agreed to present to the CRS Workgroup after FEMA’s first review of VA applications is finalized. We heard a presentation from our guest speaker, Scott Smith, who is a Senior Civil Engineer/Project Manager from the City of Hampton’s Department of Public Works. Scott presented on the City’s three applications for the BRIC 2020 call for grants, all of which included an element of green infrastructure. We then provided an update and brief overview of the VA Community Flood Preparedness Fund, noting the CFM and flood resiliency plan requirements for project funding. An additional update included new Virginia-specific information related Risk Rating 2.0. Wetlands Watch is updating this website with RR 2.0 info as it becomes available. Download the PowerPoint presentation, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
March 2021: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. The VA Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Floodplain Program has recently hired two new staff members, one of whom attended the meeting and introduced herself: Brandy Buford ( DCR floodplain staff will provide an official update on state activities at a future Workgroup meeting. A discussion of future in person meetings concluded with Wetlands Watch staff pursuing in person meeting space, with local staff policies dictating when they can attend in person meetings. We had a detailed discussion of FEMA’s Risk Rating 2.0 program, covering what we know so far about the massive overhaul of the NFIP. We also discussed the Workgroup’s second draft of a letter created to address the draft amendments to incorporate climate change into the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act regulations, which could impact how CRS communities in VA currently earn Open Space Preservation credits (Activity 420). It was discussed that perhaps the draft letter should come from the VA Floodplain Management Association Board of Directors, in light of the lack of locality consensus around the issue. Ashley Gordon from the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission polled the Workgroup members on their use of the GetFloodFluent outreach campaign in their CRS Programs and a conversation about how to receive CRS credits for these messages with VA’s ISO representative, Emily Schmidt, followed. We also discussed the Class 8 Freeboard Prerequisite with Henrico County’s Kristin Owen, requesting information on other localities’ floodplain ordinance language to inform their County update. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting. You can also download the CCMP from Kenner, LA Kristin mentioned in the meeting, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
January 2021: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. Darryl Cook, CRS Coordinator for the James City County, presented on their cycle visit that resulted in a Class 5 rating. The County jumped from a Class 7 to a Class 5, earning almost 1,500 points for Activity 420, Open Space Preservation. James City County earned enough points for a Class 4 rating, but did not meet the required prerequisites. This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort - see more info on James City County’s cycle visit by visiting that linked page. The second issue discussed in the meeting was the draft amendments to incorporate climate change into the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act regulations, which could impact how CRS communities in VA currently earn Open Space Preservation credits (Activity 420). Madison Teeter, from Wetlands Watch, presented a draft comment letter to be submitted on behalf of the Coastal VA CRS Workgroup. Please review the draft comment letter and submit feedback to or by February 16, 2021. The third issue discussed was the inconsistent treatment of mechanical equipment for the CRS Class 8 freeboard requirement and the residential building code. ISO/CRS confirmed that CRS communities do NOT need to do anything to satisfy this part of the Class 8 prerequisite. You can also read Florida’s related guidance on the question: are flood openings required when the floor/slab of an attached garage or an enclosure below an elevated building is at or above the BFE, but below BFE plus freeboard? Don’t forget the CRS Program just released a 2021 addendum to the 2017 Coordinator’s Manual. Download the PowerPoint presentations from the meeting. You can also download the outreach information Kurt mentioned, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
November 2020: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. Our meeting included many updates, discussion, and a presentation. There was a request for case studies of successful substantial damage higher standards at the local level that will contribute to an upcoming publication on new CRS credits for substantial damage. An update on the new 2021 Class 8 Prerequisite for 1 foot of freeboard was provided. The potential impact of new regulations related to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act was discussed. Wetlands Watch has a new Coastal Zone Management Program grant to support the organization’s CRS work. Finally, Roderick Scott, Director of Education at Resilient Enterprise Solutions (RES) presented on the Home Raising Academy, which is a RISE grant awarded project. Rich Sobato, FEMA Region II, and Emily Schmidt from ISO attended the meeting. Download the PowerPoint presentations from the meeting: WorkGroup Slides. You can also download the elevation flyer Roderick mentioned, read the Zoom chat text, and watch a recording of the meeting above.
September 2020: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. Our meeting included two presentations. (1) Rich Sobato, FEMA Region II, offered an update on the minus-rated list issue discussed at our Workgroup. (2) Debbie Messmer, VA State Hazard Mitigation Officer, presented on the FY20 FEMA grant cycle, with specific emphasis on the new Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities (BRIC) Program, which replaces FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program. Two ISO representatives also joined the meeting. Emily Schmidt is new to ISO and will be the VA rep starting 2021. Doug Reedy also attended the meeting. Download the PowerPoint presentations from the meeting: WorkGroup Slides & VDEM FEMA Grant Slides. You can also read the Zoom chat text and watch a recording of the meeting.
July 2020: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. Our meeting included three presentations. (1) Ashley Gordon from the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) presented on a potential regional CRS credit (Activity 350) opportunity, utilizing the regional elevation certificate inventory managed by the HRPDC. (2) Richard Sobato and Sarah Wolfe from FEMA Region III attended the Workgroup meeting to respond to the CRS Workgroup’s letter requesting information and clarity from FEMA regarding minus-rated policies lists. (3) Wetlands Watch’s Executive Director, Skip Stiles, presented on the new Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund. Formerly the Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund, the new Fund was established via HB 981 as Virginia joined the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a market-based compact among New England and Mid-Atlantic states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Money generated through RGGI will flow into the Flood Fund - potentially $45 million each year! Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE. You can read the Zoom chat text and watch a recording of the meeting.
May 2020: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. The meeting focused on FEMA minus-rated policy lists and how it should inform NFIP compliance and be used generally by local government staff. We heard from Kristin Owen, the VA NFIP State Coordinator, Christopher Flavelle, NY Times co-author of a recent minus-rated article, Jay Tate from the City of Chesapeake, and Ken Somerset from the City of Poquoson. Rich Sobato was originally scheduled to present as well, but was unable to attend. Doug Reedy, ISO Specialist for VA, also provided an update on recent changes to the CRS Program, specifically related to COVID-19. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE. You can read the Zoom chat text and watch a recording of the meeting below. The video content is blurred in one section to protect private property information.
March 2020: The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. Ben McFarlane from the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission presented on an outreach project that could go to everyone in multiple communities through the region’s wastewater treatment utility (HRSD). We discussed converting an existing outreach project (flyer/rack card) to help communities earn CRS credit in the following activities: Outreach Projects 330, Map Information Service 320, Flood Protection Assistance 360, and Flood Insurance Promotion 370. Doug Reedy (ISO), Zane Hadzick (FEMA), and Kristen Jones (FEMA) attended the meeting. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE. You can view a recording of the meeting below and download the meeting chat content HERE.
January 2020: Zane Hadzick, FEMA Region III, attended the meeting and provided an update from the Region. Virginia’s new ISO representative, Doug Reedy, connected the Coastal VA CRS Workgroup with staff from Cecil County, Maryland who are developing a regional Program for Public Information (PPI). We spoke with Bryan Lightner and Bethany Boniface virtually, who offered advice, lessons learned, and insight on developing a regional PPI. The conversation also included the Workgroup members from local governments with existing PPIs sharing their own lessons learned with the Cecil County staff. The Coastal VA CRS Workgroup was hosted online in response to the COVID-19 quarantine/social distancing measures in Virginia. Our meeting included three presentations.. View Cecil County’s DRAFT PPI Plan HERE and their Flood Information Needs Survey HERE.
November 2019: Pam Mason & Karen During, from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at the College of William & Mary, presented on a new online tool developed by the team at VIMS’s Center for Coastal Resources Management. This new online map viewer will help local governments in Virginia's coastal zone reduce structural flooding. This project identifies existing natural and nature based features (NNBF) already in the community that protect structures from flooding, while identifying areas where NNBFs can be installed and the types of features that will protect the greatest number of structures. This project can help CRS communities because the map specifically highlights NNBFs that earn CRS credits or qualify for water quality regulatory requirements. In addition, the map examines the flood risk of specific structures while offering methods for reducing or eliminating that risk. Virginia’s new ISO representative, Doug Reedy, attended the meeting in person to introduce himself to our members, answer questions, and provide an update from ISO. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
September 2019: Matthew Simons, CRS Coordinator for the City of Norfolk, presented on the City’s outreach initiatives. Matt discussed how the City created its Program for Public Information (PPI) Committee, Flood Insurance Coverage Assessment (FIA), and Coverage Improvement Plan (CP). The presentation also included how the City pursues CRS credit for Natural Floodplain Functions Plan (NFP), Improved Map Services, and Repetitive Loss Area Analysis (RLAA). Matt also provided examples of outreach projects distributed by the City and creditable under the CRS Program (Activity 330). Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE (includes copies of Norfolk’s outreach projects).
July 2019: The business Forerunner presented their CRS software product to the CRS Workgroup. Forerunner is a cloud-based CRS software product that makes it easy, efficient, and more cost effective for communities to manage their CRS programs. Features include: unlimited user seats, ability to upload and store documents by activity, setting goals, what-ifs, reminders, analysis and ranking of activity/points difficulty, and more. Learn more about the company HERE.
May 2019: Whitney McNamara, CRS Coordinator for the City of Virginia Beach, presented on their application to join the CRS Program. The City entered the CRS at a class 7, earning over $1 Million in flood insurance premium discounts for the community. This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Mary-Carson Stiff presented the new “ConserveVirginia” portal created to show high priority conservation lands based on current and future risk from flooding and sea level rise. Mary-Carson also presented on important information included in the latest NFIP/CRS Newsletter, including the new CRS Coordinator’s 5 year update schedule, upcoming webinars, and Virginia’s recertification schedule. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
March 2019: Tom Brockenbrough, CRS Coordinator for Accomack County, presented on their last CRS Cycle Visit, after which the County increased their rating from a class 8 to a class 6, saving policyholders a total of 20% on their flood insurance premiums. This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Kim Tempesco, Emergency Planner for the City of Virginia Beach presented on the City's revised FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant elevation pilot program. Kim shared two documents utilized by the City that could be replicated in other communities - Click on the links to download the VA Beach Home Elevation Program Final Agreement and the VA Beach Home Elevation Program Payment Matrix. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
January 2019: The group discussed the draft FEMA policy on accessory and agricultural structures. Charlie Baker ( from FEMA participated in the meeting via Zoom video conference and answered questions Workgroup members had related to the draft policy. Mary-Carson Stiff reviewed multiple proposed bills in the Virginia General Assembly: SB 1588, HB 2506, and HB 2175. Ashley Gordon (, Coastal Analyst for the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) introduced a new regional flood insurance promotion campaign run through the regional PDC. Ashley specifically walked through two draft Outreach Projects and one draft website that are a part of the campaign. Mary-Carson then provided an overview of CRS Activity 330 - Outreach Projects and Activity 350 - Flood Protection Website. Then she ran an exercise for the Workgroup attendees on how to review, mark up, score, and document the two sample outreach projects and the regional website. The final documentation versions of the two outreach projects and the website will be made available to the region once drafts are finalized. You can download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
November 2018: Zane Hadzick, FEMA Region III, Mitigation Planning Specialist, provided some FEMA updates and was available to answer Workgroup attendee questions. James City County staff Darryl Cook, CRS Coordinator and Christy Parrish, Zoning Administrator, presented their CRS Standard Operating Procedure (LINK), a process that will help safeguard CRS knowledge in the County for the future. Darryl and Christy also presented on their floodplain program review (LINK) - an informational training for County employees. You can download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
September 2018: Whitney McNamara, from the City of Virginia Beach, presented the PowerPoint she gave at the 2018 ASFPM national conference in Phoenix, AZ. Whitney’s presentation, “Sea Level Rise, Flooding, and Credit Rating,” is included in the workgroup PowerPoint presentation available for download HERE.
July 2018: This workgroup meeting covered a number of topics. Mary-Carson provided an update on the NFIP reauthorization and reforms from Rich Sobota, FEMA Region III. Workgroup members also discussed the May workgroup presentation given from VDEM on FEMA hazard mitigation grants and the more in depth presentations given by FEMA and VDEM at the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (draft PowerPoints included in the workgroup PowerPoint). Mary-Carson also presented on a current Coastal Zone Management Program grant that includes CRS research. We highlighted a potential Activity 420 (Open Space Preservation) Report Out format from Accomack County, which can serve as a template for future presentations from CRS communities in the Workgroup. Finally, Mary-Carson presented highlights from the 2018 ASFPM national conference, held in Phoenix, AZ in June. You can download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
May 2018: Bring your Grants Manager to Workgroup Day! Robbie Coates, Hazard Mitigation Grants Manager at the VA Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), presented on the various activities eligible for FEMA hazard mitigation grant funding. The presentation and discussion looks specifically at how coastal VA communities could apply for projects under an innovative new program, Climate Resilient Mitigation Activities (the Program's name changed under the new administration), and lead the way in our state & FEMA region for larger scale protections that promote resilience, while also reducing flooding. You can download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
March 2018: Bring your GIS Manager to Workgroup Day! We welcomed Melissa Rosa & Rebecca Love from NOAA Digital Coast who presented (electronically due to weather related travel cancellations) a training on how communities can use GIS to map parcels for credit under Open Space Preservation (Activity 420) in the NFIP's CRS Program. The full NOAA training was recorded and available for viewing below (the training begins at minute 19). You can download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
January/February 2018: Make-up meeting held on February 14. Mary-Carson presented background information on CRS Activity 420, Open Space Preservation, in advance of next month's 420 GIS Training. See the Workgroup Powerpoint presentation for more info.
November 2017: Guest speaker Tyler Ardron, Licensed Insurance Broker & Certified Floodplain Manager for Smartvent & Risk Reduction Plus Group, presented to the Workgroup on various topics, including, outreach eligible for CRS credit, elevation certificates pitfalls, National & VA NFIP statistics, NFIP reform / reauthorization, private v. NFIP policies, and mitigation success stories. See the Workgroup meeting PowerPoint presentation for this information. Our meeting included a lot of discussion, but of specific note, the City of Virginia Beach has been negotiating with FEMA Region III on an issue that impacts how they administer FEMA mitigation grant assistance in the City. In November, the City received this letter from FEMA Region III that clarifies homeowners may contract directly with contractors on mitigation projects. Previously the City was required to enter into a mitigation contact as a third party. Download the Workgroup's PowerPoint presentation here.
September 2017: Mary-Carson presented an update on a recent grant funded by the VA Coastal Zone Management Program to study the costs and benefits of the CRS Program in Virginia. This grant specifically looks at whether the CRS is being used as a tool for building resilience in the Coastal Zone, in addition to surveying the specific amount of time Coordinators spend on the CRS each year and the co-benefits of enrolling in the CRS. The final grant deliverable, a white paper, will be released by Wetlands Watch in October. Kristin Owen, from VA Department of Conservation and Recreation, presented an update on the VA DCR Floodplain Management program. Discussion about the NFIP Reauthorization was lead by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, who requested locality staff submit feedback about specific recommendations they would like to include in a formal letter to the Congressional delegation. Check out Wetlands Watch's NFIP Reauthorization Legislative Tracking Doc here. Download the PowerPoint presentation here.
July 2017: Zane Hadzick, FEMA Region III, Mitigation Planning Specialist, attended the Workgroup meeting. Zane introduced himself and offered to answer any questions from Workgroup members. Mary-Carson Stiff, CRS Workgroup Chair & Wetlands Watch Director of Policy, presented on the most interesting and relevant presentations from the Association of State Floodplain Managers Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO this past spring. The presentation also included an overview of conversations with CRS Coordinators outside the tidewater VA region and a description of a cost-benefit analysis project Wetlands Watch is completing for the VA Coastal Zone Management Program. Download Mary-Carson's presentation here. Continuing Education Credit (CEC) for Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM) is pending.
May 2017: Meg Pittenger, CRS Coordinator for the City of Portsmouth, presented on their last CRS Cycle Visit, after which the City increased their rating from a class 9 to a class 7, saving policyholders a total of 15% on their flood insurance premiums. This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Download Meg's presentation here. This meeting was approved for one (1) Continuing Education Credit (CEC) for Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM).
March 2017: Rich Sobota, FEMA Region III, presented to the Workgroup. Rich's presentation was made available to Workgroup members via email, but will not be posted online due to the changing status of the NFIP: new Administration and Program reauthorization scheduled for September 30th. This meeting was approved for six (6) Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM).
January 2017: Kent Henkel, CRS Coordinator for York County, presented on their last CRS Cycle Visit, after which the County increased their rating from a class 8 to a class 7. This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Download Kent's presentation here. Download the documentation submitted for Open Space Preservation (Activity 420) and Additional Map Data (440) on the Successes & Lessons Learned page.
In addition to a presentation from York County, Mary-Carson presented information about the updates in the 2017 CRS Coordinator's Manual Manual. The Manual is not yet available for download, but will be posted on and distributed by Mary-Carson via email. The following documents will help CRS Coordinator's navigate the update: Overview of 2017 CRS Manual Revisions, Changes to Manual PowerPoint, List of Manual Changes, Updated Master List of Elements.
November 2016: Darlene Messina (, FEMA Region III, presented on recovery and repair post Hurricane Matthew. John Ritchey (, FEMA Insurance Technical Specialist, presented on loss avoidance. Richard Sobota (, FEMA Region III & CRS Contact, was also present & presented. Materials provided to the Workgroup include: Sample Disaster Recovery & Reconstruction Ordinance Language, Loss Avoidance Measures Section of FEMA Guidance, Flood Resistant Design Guide, and Flood Resistant Materials List.
September 2016: No presentation - discussion of available resources for inventorying open space.
July 2016: Floodplain Management Planning (Activity 510), Presentation by Meg Pittenger from the City of Portsmouth on the City's recent floodplain management plan. ISO score = 254 points! Click HERE FOR A PDF of the presentation and read Portsmouth's Floodplain Management Plan here.
April 2016: Approved for 1 CEC! Bring Your Emergency Manager to Workgroup Day, Presentation by Al Goodman, Emergency Management Expert & CRS Consultant: How to Get Credit Under Activity 610, Flood Warning & Response. Click HERE FOR POWERPOINT with extensive speaker notes. Special note: *** When applying for 610 credit, make sure your plan and maps match. ***
September 2015: Updated Coastal Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for Hampton Roads, Brian Batten from Dewberry. Powerpoint Presentation: click HERE FOR PDF VERSION and HERE FOR POWERPOINT.
March 2015: CRS Credit for Upcoming Hampton Roads Hazard Mitigation Plan, Leigh Chapman from Salter's Creek Consulting. Locality Capability Table: click HERE TO DOWNLOAD TABLE.
January 2015: Summary of Wetlands Watch's Virginia Specific CRS Report, Shannon Hulst Jarbeau & Mary-Carson Stiff from Wetlands Watch. Powerpoint Presentation: click HERE FOR PDF VERSION and HERE FOR POWERPOINT.