Locality Successes & Lessons Learned
CITY OF HAMPTON, VIRGINIA Presented at the November 2022 Workgroup Meeting
In June 2021, the City of Hampton underwent a CRS Cycle Verification Visit and maintained their Class 7 status, with an overall point total of 1,748. As of October 2022, Hampton ranks #3 in having the highest flood insurance policies in Virginia - meaning their Class 7 status, which signifies a 15% discount in annual flood insurance premiums, will impact nearly 9,000 policyholders. The highest credit earning activity was 420 - Open Space Preservation, with a total of 421 points for preserving 27% of their SFHA as open space, and protecting that open space land with deed restrictions. Greta Hawkins, the City’s CRS Coordinator, shared that Hampton will pursue earning additional credits in Activities 330, 350, 420, and 450 to jump to a Class 6 status. Greta also shared her lessons learned, which included:
Consider staffing and other obligations
Get assistance from outside consultants
Follow the CRS Coordinators Manual
Keep Files Organized
This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
Presented at the January 2021 Workgroup Meeting
In October 2020, James City County jumped from a Class 7 to a Class 5, the very first Class 5 in VA, earning a 25% annual premium discount for their flood insurance policyholders (over $100,000). After two years of deliberation, the County earned their Class 5 with 3,282 points received. The County had enough points for a Class 4 rating, but not not have all required prerequisites . The highest credit earning activities were 420 - Open Space Preservation and 430 - Higher Regulatory Standards, although points were earned in almost all credit activities. The County earned 1,457 points for 420 - 85% of the SFHA is preserved as open space and 70% of the SFHA is protected as Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Resource Protection Area (RPA) buffers.
Darryl said “It takes a team to be successful,” noting the collaboration across County departments and elected officials. Darryl’s other lessons learned?
Decide if you want to maintain or improve your rating
Be organized - I prepared a cover memo for each activity with projected points. Reviewers seemed to appreciate that
Start a share point site where documentation is stored and added to it as it’s received or developed. View two screenshots of their Sharepoint site: Pic 1 & Pic 2
Start with activities that will result in the most points then go after smaller point activities as time allows, but go after those points
Feel free to challenge results if you don’t agree with credit award
This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
Darryl Cook, James City County, presented on the County’s recent Class jump. The County earned the first Class 5 (25% discount) in Virginia.
Sample organizational structure for Sharepoint website
Presented at the May 2019 Workgroup Meeting
In May 2018, the City of Virginia Beach joined the CRS Program as a Class 7 community, after first considering joining the CRS in 2014. The City entered the CRS earning over $1 Million in flood insurance premium discounts for the community. Hurricane Matthew was a turning point for the community, brining flooding inside and mostly outside the City’s floodplains. The application to join was fast tracked, as the CRS Program was excited for the City to join due to its many flood insurance policies. The ISO visit was conducted over the phone with a senior ISO officer. Whitney shared many of her organizational techniques for storing documentation for ISO and her own record keeping - “be organized.” Whitney also shared where the City will pursue additional CRS points in future cycle visits. Whitney’s lessons learned?
Be Prepared!
Understand the documents and materials you are submitting
Be organized
Throw everything that might be worth worth points at ISO
This presentation contributes to our Workgroup's "Successes & Lessons Learned" effort. Download the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting HERE.
Presented at the March 2019 Workgroup Meeting
In May 2018, Accomack County increased from a Class 8 to a Class 6, with a total of 2,054 points. A Class 6 rating earns policy holders in high risk zones a 20% reduction on their annual flood insurance premium. CRS Coordinator, Tom Brockenbrough, presented to the Coastal VA CRS Workgroup in March 2019 about the ISO review process and resultant credit rating. You can download the powerpoint presentation HERE (begins on page 8). Tom’s top advice and feedback include:
Open Space Preservation (Activity 420) earned the County to greatest number of points. The time invested in documenting open space today will continue to benefit the community into the future because very minimal updates will be required for annual recertification and future cycle visits.
If your ISO reviewer takes a long time to process your review, take advantage of the extra time and complete documentation that could earn more credits and improve your overall score.
Higher Regulatory Standards (Activity 430) earn a lot of points in the CRS Program, but seem to be easier to achieve if you are a smaller, denser community.
Try to keep on top of where you’re not getting the points you feel you deserve so you can challenge those decisions before it’s too late.
Don’t forget about V Zone Certificates!
Presented at the May 2017 Workgroup Meeting
In May 2017, the City of Portsmouth increased from a Class 9 to a Class 7 with a total of 1,710 points. A Class 7 rating earns policy holders in high risk zones a 15% reduction on their annual flood insurance premium. CRS Coordinator, Meg Pittenger, presented to the Coastal VA CRS Workgroup in May 2017 about the ISO review process and resultant credit rating. You can download her powerpoint presentation HERE.
Meg's top advice and feedback include:
Organization is critical! Save all documentation submitted to ISO in an organized way.
The CRS program and process is not as complicated as it seems.
Don't spend a lot of time on items with low point values.
The preparation before the cycle visit is important. The pre-phone call and list of information required to submit before the cycle visit is valuable.
"Any time you get over 100 points in an activity it's worthwhile."
Presented at the January 2017 Workgroup Meeting
In December 2016 York County increased from a Class 8 to a Class 7 with a total of 1,669 points. A Class 7 rating earns policy holders in high risk zones a 15% reduction on their annual flood insurance premium. CRS Coordinator, Kent Henkle, presented to the Coastal VA CRS Workgroup in January 2017 about the ISO review process and resultant credit rating. You can download his powerpoint presentation HERE.
York County shared many of the maps and documentation submitted to ISO for review. These documents are included below:
General Documentation
York County LiMWA Map
York County Primary Structures Located in the SFHA Map
York County Zone A Map
Open Space Preservation, Activity 420
York County Open Space North County Area Map
York County Open Space Seaford Area Map
York County Open Space Tabb Area Map
York County Residential Conservation Zoning Map
York County Undevelopable Parcels Map
Additional Map Data (AMD), Flood Data Maintenance, Activity 440
York County Additional Map Data Map (AMD 1 - 8B & 12)
York County Additional Map Data Map (AMD 1 - 8B)
York County Additional Map Data AMD9 Screen Shot
Whitney McNamara, City of Virginia Beach, presented on the City’s application to join the CRS Program. VA Beach entered the Program at a Class 7.
Tom Brockenbrough, Accomack County, presented on a recent CRS Cycle Visit with ISO